Dr. Ruth Gotian routinely publishes in media journals just as Forbes, Harvard Business Review, Scientific American, and in academic journals such as Academic Medicine, Nature, Journal of Clinical Investigation, and British Journal of Anesthesia.

Ruth Gotian (2022). Scott Hamilton Shows That The Greatest Strength is a Lack of Weakness, Forbes, February 17, 2022 https://www.forbes.com/sites/ruthgotian/2022/02/17/scott-hamilton-shows-that-the-greatest-strength-is-a-lack-of-weakness/  

Ruth Gotian (2022). Why Do Most Projects Fall Short of Expectations? Forbes, February 15, 2022

Ruth Gotian (2022). Mentoring Doesn’t Need to Be a Trial and Error Practice. Forbes, February 8, 2022.  

Ruth Gotian (2022). Getting More Out of Your Mentoring Relationship. Forbes, February 1, 2022

Ruth Gotian (2022). An Urgency to Lead, Support and Retain High Achievers, Psychology Today, January 30, 2022 https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/optimizing-success/202201/urgency-lead-support-and-retain-high-achievers        

Ruth Gotian (2022). Thinkers50 Names the Next Group of 30 Top Management Thinkers to Watch. Forbes, January 25, 2022 https://www.forbes.com/sites/ruthgotian/2022/01/25/thinkers50-names-the-next-group-of-30-top-management-thinkers-to-watch/       

Ruth Gotian (2022). Forefront: The Program Developing the Top Leaders of Tomorrow, For Free. Forbes, January 21, 2022 https://www.forbes.com/sites/ruthgotian/2022/01/21/forefront-the-program-developing-the-top-leaders-of-tomorrow-for-free/

Ruth Gotian (2022). Wy Ordering Takeout Can Help Your Employee’s Ability to Learn. Forbes, January 18, 2022

Ruth Gotian (2022). One Woman Who Helps Millions of People She Will Never Meet. Forbes, January 11, 2022

Ruth Gotian (2022). Your Multiple Open Computer Tabs Are Slowing You Down. Forbes, January 4, 2022

Ruth Gotian (2021). Why Some People Ask Questions Which are None of Their Business. Forbes, December 30, 2021https://www.forbes.com/sites/ruthgotian/2021/12/30/why-some-people-ask-questions-which-are-none-of-their-business/      

Ruth Gotian (2021). Stop Being a Statistic and Reclaim Your Career. Forbes, December 29, 2021
https://www.forbes.com/sites/ruthgotian/2021/12/29/stop-being-a-statistic-and-reclaim-your-career/    Ruth Gotian (2021).

10 Ways to Boost Your Emotional Intelligence. Forbes, December 28, 2021.

Ruth Gotian (2021). 9 Ways to Kick Off a Conversation with Someone You Don’t Know. Forbes, December 26, 2021https://www.forbes.com/sites/ruthgotian/2021/12/26/9-ways-to-kick-off-a-conversation-with-someone-you-dont-know/  

Ruth Gotian (2021). Inside the Weekly Zoom Room That Has Met Since April 2020. Forbes, December 23, 2021.

Ruth Gotian (2021). Creative Ways for Students to Optimizing Their Internship and Job Search. Forbes, December 21, 2021https://www.forbes.com/sites/ruthgotian/2021/12/21/creative-ways-for-students-to-optimize-their-internship-and-job-search/

Ruth Gotian (2021). Advice from Astronauts On Returning to a New Normal. Forbes, December 14, 2021.

Ruth Gotian (2021). Where Do the Top Management Thinkers Get Their Breakthrough Ideas? Forbes, December 7, 2021 https://www.forbes.com/sites/ruthgotian/2021/12/07/where-do-the-top-management-thinkers-get-their-breakthrough-ideas/  

Ruth Gotian (2021). 4 Ways to Shine at Networking Events. Psychology Today, December 5, 2021

Ruth Gotian (2021). Considering a Career Change? Look at Your Weekends for a Clue. Forbes, November 30, 2021 https://www.forbes.com/sites/ruthgotian/2021/11/30/considering-a-career-change-look-at-your-weekends-for-a-clue/

Ruth Gotian (2021). Leadership Cannot Be a One Size Fits All Approach, Psychology Today, November 25, 2021

Ruth Gotian (2021). If You Want to Succeed, Befriend Your Competitors. Forbes, November 23, 2021

Ruth Gotian (2021). Holidays are the Perfect Time To Reach Out to Your Network. Forbes, November 16, 2021

Ruth Gotian (2021). It’s Not Just for Kids, Adults Need Recess Too. Forbes, November 9, 2021

Ruth Gotian (2021). Retirees, The Key People Who Can Make or Break Your Career. Forbes, November 2, 2021

Ruth Gotian (2021).If You Want to Improve Your Happiness, Get in the Zone. Forbes, October 29, 2021

Ruth Gotian (2021). A Nobel Prize Winner’s Best Mentoring Advice. Forbes, October 26, 2021

Ruth Gotian (2021). To Achieve Long Term Success, Slow Down, Psychology Today, October 24, 2021

Ruth Gotian (2021). Are You Ready To Return to In Person Conferences? Forbes, October 19, 2021

Ruth Gotian (2021). Hello, You Won the Nobel Prize. Forbes, October 12, 2021

Ruth Gotian (2021). From Yellow Beret to Nobel Prize: A Special Time at the NIH. Forbes, October 5, 2021

Ruth Gotian (2021). Lessons From Televisions Shark Tank to Get Your Message Heard. Forbes, September 30, 2021

Ruth Gotian (2021). Texas Roadhouse: Building a Company Where People Want to Come to Work. Forbes, September 28, 2021 https://www.forbes.com/sites/ruthgotian/2021/09/28/texas-roadhouse-building-a-company-where-people-want-to-come-to-work/        

Ruth Gotian (2021). When Good Work is Rewarded with More Work. Forbes, September 21, 2021

Ruth Gotian (2021). What Do You Fear More, Missing Out or Failure? Forbes, September 14, 2021

Ruth Gotian (2021). Why Your Confidence Does Not Replace Someone Else’s Experience. Forbes, September 7, 2021 https://www.forbes.com/sites/ruthgotian/2021/09/07/why-your-confidence-does-not-replace-someone-elses-experience/

Ruth Gotian (2021). You Are More Than Numbers: Reimagining College Admissions. Psychology Today, September 1, 2021 https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/optimizing-success/202109/you-are-more-numbers-reimagining-college-admissions         

Ruth Gotian (2021). Leaders Don’t Always Need to Lead. Forbes, August 31, 2021

Ruth Gotian (2021). When Slowing Down Can Help You Be More Productive. Forbes, August 24, 2021

Ruth Gotian (2021). Half the Workforce is Leaving. Here’s What You Can Do About It. Forbes, August 17, 2021

Ruth Gotian (2021). Even Olympians Face Doubt. Psychology Today, August 15, 2021

Why Your Vision May Be Nothing More Than an Idea, Forbes, August 3, 2021

What Covid Taught Us About Leading with Grace, Psychology Today, July 28, 2021

7 Olympic And Paralympic Champions Share Memories Of Winning Their Gold Medal, Forbes, July 27, 2021

Free Food And Laundry – Olympians Share Their Best Memories, Forbes, July 23, 2021

From Diamond In The Rough To Shining Star; Becoming The Mentee Everyone Wants, Forbes, July 20, 2021

No Promotion? How to Prevent Yourself from Becoming Expendable, Forbes, July 13, 2021

How the Greatest in the World Reverse Engineer Success, Forbes, July 6, 2021

Negative Experiences: Stick Like Velcro or Glide Off Like Teflon?, Forbes, June 29, 2021

Why ‘Fake It Until You Make It’ Might be Sabotaging Your Career, Forbes, June 22, 2021

5 Steps to Turn Your Idea Into a Powerful TED-Worthy Story, Forbes, June 15, 2021

Why Some People Seem to Be Getting What They Want, Forbes, June 8, 2021

What Causes Honest People to Become Dishonest?, Psychology Today, June 6, 2021

Too Distracted? Learn How to Be Where Your Feet Are, Forbes, June 1, 2021    

Thank you or Thx? Why Your Emails Might Hint at Your Passive-Aggressiveness, Forbes, May 28, 2021   

5 Steps to Being More Courageous As We Return to Work, Forbes, May 25, 2021     

Why Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan Kept Winning On and Off the Court, Forbes, May 18, 2021

6 Reasons Why Some People Dream and Others Achieve, Forbes, May 11, 2021       

Six mentoring tips as we enter year two of COVID, Nature, June 11, 2021 

How Sending A Thank You Note Changed One Person’s Career, Forbes May 4, 2021     

Overcoming Anxiety At Work, Psychology Today, May 3, 2021

From College Students to Entrepreneurs: Meet the Gen-Z Startup Redefining Hot Sauce, Forbes, April 29, 2021

Why You Earned The Right To Have Imposter Syndrome, Psychology Today, April 28, 2021

Overcoming Pandemic Exhaustion: How To Take An Effortless Approach to Achieve More, Forbes, April 27, 2021

Disheartened by Lack of Progression at Work? Here’s How To Turn Displeasure Into Success, Forbes, April 20, 2021

Pandemic Professional Development Looks Different and is Here to Stay, Forbes, April 13, 2021

When Your Favorite Book Becomes a Course For Work, Forbes, April 6, 2021

Slingshot: How To Effectively Use One Experience To Lead To The Next, Forbes, March 30, 2021

Tell Me Your Heroes and I’ll Tell You Your Values – Psychology Today, March 26, 2021

Linguistic Tricks To Grab Your Online Audience’s Attention – Nature, March 24, 2021

Why You Only Need To Meet 40% Of Requirements In Job Descriptions – Forbes, March 23, 2021

Five tips for understanding and managing your emotions to build flourishing connections – Nature, March 16, 2021

Knowledge Philanthropy: A New Way To Pay It Forward – Forbes, March 16, 2021

Why The No. 1 Executive Coach Is Giving Away His Intellectual Property – Forbes, March 9, 2021

Adding Value: How To Get Your Ideas Noticed – Forbes, March 2, 2021

This is What the Best Mentors Do – Forbes, February 23, 2021

President Biden Gives A Masterclass on How To Own A Room – Forbes February 17, 2021

When No One Believes You Can Do It, Try Anyway – Forbes, February 16, 2021

Why Some People Always Seem To Succeed and Others Never Get Started – Psychology Today, February, 15, 2021

How to Reclaim Your Time At Work – Forbes, February 9, 2021

Is That The Best Solution? ‘Think Again’ Says Adam Grant – Forbes, February 2, 2021

How To Find The Perfect Mentor To Boost Your Career – Forbes, January 26, 2021

Role Model, Mentor Coach or Sponsor – Which Do You Need? – Psychology Today, January 24, 2021

How To Eliminate Bureaucracy In Your Organization – Forbes, January 19, 2021

That’s One Hot Job! How Kelly Korreck Became An Astrophysicist – Forbes, January 12, 2021

Why Do People At The Top Of Their Field Become Mentors? – Forbes, January 5, 2021

Do You Want To Mentor? The New Matchmaking Program For Mentors And Mentees – Forbes, January 1, 2021

How to Stop Your New Year’s Goals From Going Up in Smoke – Psychology Today December 30, 2020

How To Make Sure You’re Seen As Adding Value At Work – Forbes, December 29, 2020

How Doing Laundry Made Me More Productive – Forbes, December 22, 2020

Why You Need Personal KPIs To Achieve Your Goals – Forbes, December 15, 2020

Five Steps For Networking During A Pandemic – Nature, December 11, 2020

Feel Like A Fraud? How To Outsmart Imposter Syndrome – Forbes, December 8, 2020

Want To Be A Better Leader? Share Your Worries – Forbes, December 1. 2020

Why Some People Won’t Take ‘No’ For An Answer – Forbes, November 27, 2020 

Stop Dreaming And Learn How To Turn Your Goal Into A Reality – Forbes, November 24, 2020

Surprising Jobs That Are Going Virtual – Forbes, November 17, 2020

6 Ways To Effectively Network During A Pandemic – Psychology Today, November 15, 2020

Olympic Champion Apolo Ohno Explains How To Reevaluate After A Loss – Forbes, November 10, 2020

How Your Choices Can Impact Your Career – Forbes, November 3, 2020

Don’t Let Imposter Syndrome Derail Your Career – Psychology Today, October 2020

How To Effectively Answer The ‘What Do You Do?’ Question – Forbes, October 2020

New Research On How To Be An Ally In The Workplace – Forbes, October 2020

Why Your Boss Shouldn’t Be Your Mentor – Forbes, October 2020

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Best Mentoring Advice – Forbes, October 2020

How A Tailored Suit Is Helping Improve Graduation Rates – Forbes, October 2020

How to Create Your Own Mentoring Team – Psychology Today, September 2020

How to Start A Conversation With a Stranger – Forbes, September 2020

When the Leader Can’t Return to the Office – Chief Learning Officer, September 2020

3 Tips For Success From Olympic Champion, Ryan Millar – Forbes, September 2020

How To Succeed When You’ve Never Done The Job Before – Forbes, September 2020

8 High Achievers Share How They Are Managing Pandemic Related Challenges – Forbes, September 2020

How Internships Can Serve As A Win-Win For Employees And Companies – Forbes, September 2020

How Do You Find a Decent Mentor When You’re Stuck at Home? – Harvard Business Review, August 2020

How to Successfully Ask Someone to Be Your Mentor – Psychology Today, August 2020

How Complaining to the Right Person Can Influence Change – Forbes, August 2020

How to Turn Feedback Into an ‘Opportunity for Enhancement’ – Forbes, August 2020

Five Tips For Boosting Diversity on Campus – Nature, August 2020

How Do You Find a Decent Mentor When You Are Stuck at Home? – Harvard Business Review Ascend, August 2020

Why You Need a Role Model, Mentor, Coach, and Sponsor – Forbes, August 2020

Looking For A Mentor? Why You Shouldn’t Use the “M” Word – Forbes, July 2020

How Surrounding Yourself With High-Achievers Can Improve Your Performance – Forbes, July 2020

Improving Creativity at Work: Could Laughter Be The Key? – Forbes, July 2020

Note to men: Mentor her! (Yes, even during a pandemic) – Chief Learning Officer, July 2020

6 Ways To Help You Succeed; Tips From a High Achiever – Forbes, July 2020

Where Do I Find A Mentor? – Psychology Today, July 2020

How To Develop A Mentoring Team – Forbes, July 2020

How To Attract, Retain, And Lead High Performers – Forbes, June 2020

3 Things That Stop People From Achieving Their Leadership Goals – Training Industry, Inc, June 2020

How To Win and Lose Like An Olympic Champion – Forbes, June 2020

How To Amplify The Voice of Your Mentees – Forbes, June 2020

How Peer Mentors Can Help You Succeed – Forbes, June 2020

Do What You Love: But First Find Out What That Is – Forbes, June 2020

How To Fight Imposter Syndrome In The Time of Coronavirus – Harvard Business Review Ascend, June 2020

Beat The Working-From-Home Blues – Nature Index, June 2020

Olympian Kemoy Campbell Teaches Us How to Have A Goal-Setting Mindset – Forbes, May 2020

7 Astronauts Offer Tips On How To Thrive While Social Distancing – Forbes, May 2020

Never Has There Been A More Critical Time To Show Empathy At Work – Forbes, May 2020

5 Steps To Help You Effectively Mentor During A Pandemic – Forbes, May 2020

6  Steps To Help Extroverts Endure Social Distancing – Forbes, May 2020

Mentoring While Social Distancing – Closler, April 2020

Mentoring During the COVID-19 Pandemic – Nature, April 2020

How Perceptions of a Successful Physician-Scientist Varies with Gender and Career Stage: Toward Defining Physician-Scientist’s Success BMC Medical Education, February 2020

Why I Stand. Academic Medicine, February 2020

Five ‘Power Skills’ for Becoming a Team Leader. Nature, January 2020      

Mentoring Women in Anesthesiology. How A Mentoring Circle Supports Female Anesthesiologists At Every Career Stage. British Journal of Anesthesia, January 2020

Using Admissions Statistics to Encourage Diverse Applicants to MD-PhD Programs, Journal of Clinical Investigation, December 2019 

Put Participants First in Conference Design. Nature, September 2019                 

Breast Imaging Fellowship Match: Program Director’s Perspective in Year Two, Journal of Breast Imaging, September 2019

Networking for Introverted Scientists Nature, April 2019   

What Happens When Female Physicians Gather? Scientific American, April 2019

Why You Need A Support Team, Nature, March 2019

Three Steps to Landing an Undergraduate Research Internship, Nature, December 2018

Lame Advice for Female Professionals. Scientific American July 2018 

From the Eyes of a Recruiter. Inside Higher Ed, January 2018                  

Presenting at Your Own Institution. Inside Higher Ed, October 2017

Optimizing Success of Physician-Scientists ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, February 2017 

Gateways to the Laboratory: How a MD-PhD Program increased the number of minority physician-scientists. Academic Medicine, May 2017

Mentoring the Mentors: Just Because You Have the Title Doesn’t Mean You Know What You Are Doing. College Student Journal, March 2016

MD-PhD, Is it Right for Me? The Advisor: The Journal of the National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions. September 2012

Dr. Ruth Gotian is frequently interviewed on podcasts. Below are some of her recent interviews.

Ruth Gotian and Amul Mago – The Superhuman Project (2021)

Ruth Gotian and Andy Lopata – Connected Leadership (2021)

Ruth Gotian and Allison Liddle – Launch, How Achievers Excel (2021)

Ruth Gotian and Scott Maderer – Stewardship Coaching

Ruth Gotian and Amol Gupta – Mentors in Medicine, Four Pillars of Success(2021)

Ruth Gotian and Susan Rocco – Women 2 Watch (2021)

Ruth Gotian and Simon Behan – Learn to Grow (2021)

Ruth Gotian and Vineet Chopra – Mentoring in Medicine (2021)

Ruth Gotian and Diana Hamilton (2021)

Ruth Gotian and Jax Scott – Imposter Syndrome (2021)

Ruth Gotian and Jax Scott – Meet Your Mentor (2021)

Optimizing Success with Dr. Ruth Gotian – Take the Lead Radio with Dr. Diane Hamilton

How Successful People Do Things Differently – Mindful Leadership with Jason Cooper

Women In Leadership: The Ripple Effect – South Florida’s IT Palooza

Meet Your Mentor: Dr. Ruth Gotian – The Mentor Project

Grace Under Pressure – John Baldoni and Ruth Gotian

The Success Factor – Back to Basics

Ignore The Naysayers And Achieve Your Dreams – Keep on Pushing with Olympic bobsledder (Jamaica) Devon Harris

Secrets of Success – The Underdog Show

Why Some People Reach Exceptional Levels of Success – The Robert Timmons Show 

What Makes High Achievers Great – Crossnet 

Fear Not Trying More Than You Fear Failing – Women Worldwide

What Does It Mean To Be A Mentor? – Good Life Coach

How High Achievers Can Optimize For Success – Conversations with Global Thought Leaders 

Building a Successful Career and Getting to the Top of Your Field – Connected Leadership

The Value of Mentorship – OK, Intern

How to Optimize Success and What We Can Learn From High Achievers – Imperfectly Ambitious

How to Go From Average to High Achieving – Access to Anyone

Using Power Skills To Develop High Performing Teams – Key Conversations 

The Fear of Not Trying – Mentoring Physician-Scientists 

How to Succeed Like A High Achiever – Everyday Athlete

Mentoring Physician-Scientists – Behind the Microscope

Mentoring Women – Wonder Women in Business 

Mentoring during a pandemic –  The Educator’s Podcast        

Microaggressions – The Educator’s Podcast

Mentoring – Growth Edge Leadership Podcast 

Mentoring – Business RadioX, Learning Insights 

Mentoring the Mentors – The Educator’s Podcast 

MD-PhD Admissions and Gateways to the Laboratory Program, Tri-I Pod

Below are articles where Dr. Ruth Gotian and her work were featured:

Featured in article: Mangia, K (2022). Dr. Ruth Gotian on How We need To Redefine Success, Thrive Global, February 18, 2022 https://thriveglobal.com/stories/dr-ruth-gotian-on-how-we-need-to-redefine-success/     

Featured in article: Kislik, L (2022). Four Keys to Laying Out and Traveling Your Path To Success, Forbes, February 10, 2022 https://www.forbes.com/sites/lizkislik/2022/02/10/four-keys-to-laying-out-and-traveling-your-path-to-success/

Featured in article: Pontefract, D. (2022). Four Enlightening Facets to Help You Become a High Achiever, Forbes, February 2, 2022 https://www.forbes.com/sites/danpontefract/2022/02/02/four-enlightening-facets-to-help-you-become-a-high-achiever/

Featured in article: McLeod, L (2022). What Successful People Do Differently, Jackson Community Courier, January 29, 2022 https://www.myjournalcourier.com/opinion/article/Commentary-XXXXXXXXXXXXX-16797842.php     

Featured in article: Mangia, K (2022). Dr. Ruth Gotian of Weill Cornell Medicine, How I Am Redefining Success Now, Authority Magazine, January 20, 2022. https://medium.com/authority-magazine/dr-ruth-gotian-of-weill-cornell-medicine-how-i-am-redefining-success-now-83e5c6717765   

Featured in article: Bare, L (2022). Setting Our Sons Up for Success, Psychology Today, January 19, 2022

Featured in article: Escalante, A (2022). The Success Factor: A Book Review, Psychology Today, January 21, 2022 https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/shouldstorm/202201/the-success-factor-book-review?fbclid=IwAR2sL5mJGIa3mlEgbGW2PZFpspmTCfN0XdIR8Yt-br8V8gZnuu1P8NTepwk  

Featured in article: Chambers, B (2022). How to Apply the Success Factors of High Achievers to Your Goals, Forbes, January 24, 2022 https://www.forbes.com/sites/brittanychambers/2022/01/24/how-to-apply-the-success-factors-of-high-achievers-to-your-goals/          

Pre-Pandemic Career Goals Don’t Work. Do This Instead – In Her Sight, April 2021

Thinkers50 Curated Live Session with Ruth Gotian – April 2021

Thinkers50 Celebrates International Women’s Day: An Interview with Ruth Gotian and Dorie Clark – March 2021

What is Imposter Syndrome? – Medium, March 2021

What To Do If Asking For Help Makes You Uncomfortable – Forbes, February 2021

New Leadership Skills for 2021 – Hive Learning, February 2021

State of Leadership 2021 – Hive Learning, February 2021

Soft Skills Are Too Hard For Too Many People – Forbes, January 2021

Leverage Your Success – Thrive Global, October 2020

Pre-Pandemic Career Goals Don’t Work.  Do This Instead – In Her Sight, September 2020

Give More Than You Take – Fem Founder, July 2020

How to Cope with Self-Doubt and Imposter Syndrome (Especially During a Crisis) | Infographic – HBR Ascend, July 2020

Hire People Who Think Differently Than You – CEO Blog Nation, June 2020

Mentorship is Key to Fighting Professional Loneliness in COVID-19 – Thrive Global, June 2020

So You’re Headed to the Diversity Reboot Summit: A Virtual Conference Guide – Power to Fly, June 2020

A message for mentors from dissatisfied graduate students, Nature, November 2019

PhDs: the tortuous truth – Nature, November 2019

The Science of Effective Mentoring in STEMM, The National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, 2019